6 steps to a successful POS install

Our installation Services team will help you design, implement, configure and enhance your solution to meet your needs. We help you get the most out of your solution.

Our proven processes and industry experts also ensure that you get a faster install, fewer issues and a high quality solution that’s easier and less costly to maintain over time.


Step 01 Database Build

We assign a personal assistant to build your menu, understand your requirements and take you through the entire process.


Step 02 System Review

You will be able to review all the changes additions and flow of the system as we build it before you decide to implement live in your operation.


Step 03 Education and Training

We will train and educate you so you can master and manage your operation on your own without our assistance. So you have total control of your POS system.


Step 04 Installation Connectivity

We come on site to install the hardware, we will be there for you to guide you through the entire process and educate you on the hardware in use.


Step 05 Go Live

When you go live with the system we will make sure you are ready to go and we will be on site to make any changes you require at that first time of use.


Step 06 Help Desk Support

We are here when you need us, all you need to is email our support line or for more urgent help call our 1300 805511 support number 24/7/365. We will help answer your questions anytime.